Transformational Breathwork

Breathwork in Your Healing Journey

Breathwork is a transformative practice we will integrate into our healing sessions, typically from the second or third meeting onward, as it can be quite intense for initial encounters. This practice is invaluable in various scenarios: when identifying your core issues seems challenging, when emotional blocks are present, when traditional hypnotherapy isn't yielding results, or when deep memories and emotions are elusive. Breathwork helps in uncovering the root causes of physical symptoms, navigating intense emotions, and accessing deep-seated memories, including those from early childhood or past lives.

During our breathwork sessions, we will follow a structured yet flexible approach. We'll engage in 10-minute cycles of focused breathing, with periodic check-ins. While it's essential to keep breathing throughout, know that you are in control throughout this process and can pause at any time.

Remember, there's no wrong way to do this. Trust that whatever unfolds during our session is exactly what you need to experience at that moment. Your primary task is to breathe and feel, without overthinking or analyzing the sensations or memories that arise. You'll peel through layers of emotions and memories, and you're welcome to share anything that surfaces. My role is to guide you toward uncovering the core issues, often rooted in early childhood experiences.

Breathwork is a powerful tool for opening the heart and accessing the subconscious, leading to profound healing and transformation.

Here's why and how we use breathwork:

  • Discovering the Real Issue: When you feel unclear about your core issue, I can guide you to simply breathe and allow insights to arise naturally.

  • Accessing Emotions: If you're feeling emotionally blocked, breathwork can help you connect with your feelings.

  • When Hypnotherapy Stalls: If traditional hypnotherapy techniques aren't resonating, breathwork can break through barriers.

  • Enhancing Hypnotic Regression: During hypnotic regression, if no emotions or memories emerge, breathing can unlock these hidden layers.

  • Addressing Physical Symptoms: Breathwork helps in uncovering the root causes of physical symptoms.

  • Navigating Strong Emotions: When emotions are overwhelming, breathing into them can prevent an adverse reaction to hypnosis and keep you grounded.

  • Accessing Deep Memories: For deep-seated memories, including natal, birth, early childhood, or past-life experiences, breathwork is a key to unlocking these layers.

  • Opening the Heart: Breathwork is an effective way to open your heart and connect with your deeper self.

What to Expect During a Breathwork Session:

During our breathwork sessions, we'll follow cycles of breathing with periodic check-ins:

  • Cycles and Check-Ins: We will typically do 3 or 4 cycles, possibly more, with check-ins every 10 minutes.

  • Natural Flow: Remember, Trust that whatever needs to happen will happen. Your breath will guide you.

  • Non-Analytical Approach: There's no need to analyze what comes up. Just breathe and feel. Trust your impressions.

  • Peeling Through Layers: You'll move through layers of emotion and memory.

  • Opening Up: Breathwork it's an opportunity to delve deeper into your next layer of healing.

Breathwork is a profound way to tap into your subconscious, release trapped emotions, and connect with your true self. Trust the process, trust your breath, and know that you are on a journey towards healing and transformation.

Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy

Disclaimer: We understand that every individual's experience is unique and results may vary depending on various factors, such as attitude, adaptability, personal history, and overall health. For your safety and well-being, we highly recommend consulting your physician before beginning any program. At Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical or psychological disorders. We urge you to seek the care of a qualified physician or psychotherapist if you suffer from any psychological or medical disorder. Thank you for choosing Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy as your partner in your journey towards wellness.