Hypnotic Transformation

Transforming Your Life with Claudia's Guidance

Imagine embarking on a grand voyage across the vast ocean of your subconscious mind. This journey begins with a quiet yearning, a deep-seated desire to escape the stormy seas of pain, suffering, and erroneous beliefs that have held you captive for so long. These turbulent waters, filled with the emotional debris of past traumas and limiting thoughts, create an illusion of reality that keeps you anchored in place, unable to set sail toward the life you truly desire.

Your heart knows this life is not the entirety of your existence. You are here, in this reincarnation, to unlearn these erroneous beliefs, to break free from the shackles of past conditioning, and to rediscover the boundless potential within you. The first step on this journey is recognizing the need for change, the call to transform.

Complimentary Consultation (30 Minutes)

In this session, we will identify the areas of your life that need attention—the regions where pain and suffering dwell. We will start the process of envisioning where you want to be and how you want to feel, creating a clear map for you and discussing different techniques we will use during our follow-up sessions. To truly feel the effects of this profound work, my recommendation is a commitment of at least three sessions. Understanding that you have created your current life over many lifetimes, it's clear that peeling away these layers of illusion requires time and dedication. Just as it took lifetimes to accumulate these beliefs and emotions, it will take time to release them.

Continuing The Journey...

The First Session

In the initial session, you start the journey of self-discovery. Conditioning the mind, I will guide you through the layers of your inner world with powerful responsive exercises, preparing you to go into hypnosis. Each session, we will set your clear goal: a place of peace, fulfillment, and authentic joy and transformation. I will teach you to become the observer of your own experiences. This transformation of the present moment is crucial to avoid creating more karma, allowing you to break free from the cycle of suffering.

Subsequent Sessions: Engaging in the Different Processes

Regression, breathwork, EMT, and parts techniques take you back in time, allowing you to revisit your ego states, past lives, inter-life periods, your birth, and your childhood. These are the hidden depths where forgotten memories and unresolved emotions reside. By exploring these depths, you begin to understand the roots of your current struggles. The past no longer holds you hostage; instead, it becomes a source of wisdom and healing. I will carefully choose the modalities best suited for you based on where you are at the beginning of each session.

Peeling the Layers: Discovering the Greatness Within

Throughout this transformative journey, you peel away the layers of illusion one by one, uncovering the greatness that lies within you. Each layer represents a belief, an emotion, or a memory that no longer serves you. You will find newfound power, strength, clarity, and a profound sense of peace and connection to your true essence. What has shifted with each session? How do you feel, and what have you started to attract?

Reaching Your Goals

After several sessions, you begin to become the observer of your life. You feel lighter, freer, and more connected to your true essence. The journey with me has not just been about healing the past; it's about reclaiming your power, unlearning what no longer serves you, and stepping into the vibrant, fulfilling life you were always meant to live.

My Promise to You

I promise to create a safe and nurturing environment where you can explore your human experience without fear or judgment. You will receive personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs, empowering you to become the observer of your own experiences and transform each present moment. Through our sessions, you will gain lifelong tools, such as meditation, breath techniques, visualizations, protection exercises, and cleansing techniques, to support your continued self-discovery and healing. With increased self-awareness, you will break free from the cycle of karma and create a life aligned with your highest potential, uncovering the vibrant, empowered, and joyful being you truly are.

Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy

Disclaimer: We understand that every individual's experience is unique and results may vary depending on various factors, such as attitude, adaptability, personal history, and overall health. For your safety and well-being, we highly recommend consulting your physician before beginning any program. At Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical or psychological disorders. We urge you to seek the care of a qualified physician or psychotherapist if you suffer from any psychological or medical disorder. Thank you for choosing Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy as your partner in your journey towards wellness.