About Me

Claudia Rotman

Claudia Rotman

Transformational Coach, Educator, and Inspirational Guide

Claudia resides in the vibrant Palm Beach area of Florida, where she is renowned for her profound work as a certified Hypnotherapist, Akashic Records Teacher, and Reiki Master Teacher. With over fifteen years of experience in spiritual and emotional transformation, Claudia has dedicated her life to empowering individuals to discover their true selves and heal from the past, present, and future.

Claudia's journey into holistic healing began in 2008 when she was certified as a Reiki Master. Her passion for deeper knowledge led her to discover the Akashic Records, which she has been teaching and practicing since. Recently, Claudia expanded her expertise further by completing over 500 hours of training to become a certified Hypnotherapist at the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy. This extensive training has enriched her ability to guide others on their paths to self-discovery and transformation.

An advocate for the transformational power of the mind, Claudia integrates her extensive training in Subconscious Restructuring and Emotional Code to offer unique and effective healing modalities. Her approach is deeply influenced by luminaries such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Ervin Laszlo, as well as her teachers Ernesto Ortiz and Matthew Brownstein, whose works resonate with her belief in transcending past narratives to embrace a powerful and peaceful present.

Beyond her clinical practice, Claudia is an avid educator who has taught across the globe, from Guatemala to Bali, Costa Rica, and Colombia. Her workshops and retreats are transformative, guiding attendees through immersive experiences designed to awaken their inner peace and happiness.

Currently, Claudia is focusing on expanding her reach through online classes and writing a book about her transformative journey from abuse to a thriving relationship of 28 years. Her mission is not just to teach but to inspire a shift toward more conscious parenting and holistic self-awareness, illustrating that healing and happiness are within everyone's reach.

My Journey

My path to becoming a Transformational Coach was deeply personal, originating from my desire to heal not just myself but initially my beloved daughter, who suffered from complications of Type 1 diabetes. I never realized how the universe and spirit was nudging me all the time …..My journey of self discovery began with a mother's instinct to safe my child and later on in her life to alleviate the suffering she endured—an endeavor that propelled me into the vast, intricate world of energetic healing.

After escaping an abusive relationship and surviving, life seemed to reward my resilience with a loving and supportive new partner. With him, I not only found love but also a newfound happiness as we built a life together, welcoming three more daughters into our family. I was also thriving professionally, running a successful mortgage company. For a time, my life was happy and hopeful, seemingly perfect. However, deep within my cellular memory, my souls was nudging me for transformation once again. a storm was brewing—a storm that would eventually take me on a new journey of self-discovery and healing.

In 2008, my life took a transformative turn. Witnessing my oldest daughter's profound health challenges, I sought alternatives to traditional methods that seemed inadequate. This search led me to discover Reiki, a form of energy healing that promised to rebalance the body’s energies and promote health and emotional well-being. With hope and determination, I embraced Reiki, finding not only a potential solution for my daughter but also a calling that resonated deeply with my own spirit.

However, as my daughter's condition worsened, I faced a profound sense of loneliness and powerlessness, haunted by the fear of losing her. This fear and helplessness, even after exploring every available avenue of traditional therapy, deepened my resolve to find answers. Through my intense emotional struggle, I finally realized the necessity of my own healing. I embarked on a journey of deep introspection, taking responsibility for my actions and confronting my erroneous beliefs and protective mechanisms. I uncovered past life contracts, erroneous beliefs from childhood, and unconscious fears—some of the roots of the patterns affecting my life and my relationship with my daughter. It was through the Akashic Records that I discovered these personal revelations, synchronicities, and clear messages from the universe, which provided not only insights into our challenges but also a path to healing.

Embracing this newfound knowledge, that I was unconsciously creating my life and carrying this information in my cellular memory, my suffering transformed into a calling to continue learning more powerful techniques that provide results. By consciously forgiving and having compassion for myself and my prior relationship of abuse, I freed myself to love more deeply. This emotional liberation allowed me to truly love and maintain a loving relationship of now 28 years. I began to heal not only my family but also to aid others in their transformation processes. With each transformation I experienced, my passion for helping others grew exponentially.

Recognizing the varied stages and understanding of those I aim to help, I have embraced new therapies like hypnotherapy to expand healing opportunities to everyone, particularly those at the beginning of their journey who may not yet grasp the concepts of soul journeys and spiritual practices. I learned that I had no control over others, but my own soul's journey, yet I was a powerful co-creator of my reality. I continue to find peace and love in the face of life’s challenges, becoming a better mom, a loving wife, and a better human, and learned to stay present, communicating with spirit, and understanding my true essence as an eternal being, whole and complete.

Today, I am more than just a practitioner; I am a guide, a mentor, and a leader in the field of transformational holistic practices. My personal journey—a quest that began as a desperate mother's hope to heal her daughter—has evolved into a lifelong mission to empower others. Through my workshops and teachings, I inspire my students to transcend their limitations, heal from their past, and embrace a future filled with infinite possibilities, teaching them how to become the best versions of themselves.

My Qualifications

Ready to start your journey?

Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy

Disclaimer: We understand that every individual's experience is unique and results may vary depending on various factors, such as attitude, adaptability, personal history, and overall health. For your safety and well-being, we highly recommend consulting your physician before beginning any program. At Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical or psychological disorders. We urge you to seek the care of a qualified physician or psychotherapist if you suffer from any psychological or medical disorder. Thank you for choosing Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy as your partner in your journey towards wellness.