Akashic Records Exploration

The Akashic Records are the individual records of a soul from the time it leaves the Source Father/Mother’s house until it returns.

At the time we make the decision to experience life as an independent entity, there is a field of energy created to record every thought, word, emotion and action generated by that experience. That field of energy is the Akashic Records. Akashic, because it is composed of Akasha (the energetic substance from which all life is formed), and Records, because its objective is to record all life experience.

By opening the Akashic Records with a sacred prayer, we align ourselves to the vibration of the one receiving the reading (either ourselves or another). The prayer works with energetic vibration to “key in” to the specific name of the lifeform, and carries with it God’s protection through Masters, teachers, and Loved Ones.

The information in the Akashic Records helps us bring our past and future present in our now.  By accessing the Akashic Records, we can identify and release anything that we have created that has become a block to our present realization of our oneness with God.

We can look at why we have addictive patterns, why we choose the relationships we do, why we have created our habitual responses, and how to create action in our lives instead of re-action. 

The healing energy of the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to choose grace      in all things and thereby overriding any illusion we have created that causes us to believe we are separate from God/Spirit/Source.

It is one of the most powerful tools available on the planet today to help us remember our oneness with God/Spirit/Source.

Preparation For your consultation:

  • Make a list of questions to work from that you would like answered. You do not want to waste any time trying to decide what to ask.

  • Have with you something to record any information you receive. Example: Notebook, pen or blank tape. You may want to look back over the information you receive.

  • Allow at least 1 hour for your consultation. This is Sacred time and you want to give ample space.

  • No recreational drugs or excessive alcohol for 24 hours before your consultation. Prescription medications are acceptable.

Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy

Disclaimer: We understand that every individual's experience is unique and results may vary depending on various factors, such as attitude, adaptability, personal history, and overall health. For your safety and well-being, we highly recommend consulting your physician before beginning any program. At Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical or psychological disorders. We urge you to seek the care of a qualified physician or psychotherapist if you suffer from any psychological or medical disorder. Thank you for choosing Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy as your partner in your journey towards wellness.