Akashic Records Certification Level I:

This is your introduction to a life changing process, where you are enabled to experience the energy of the Records. You will learn to open your own Akashic Records in order to access your inner being. This will bring your spiritual and physical body into alignment. Learning this will give you the opportunity to utilize the Records on a personal basis to ask general questions for problem solving on a personal basis to further personal and spiritual growth.

At the time we make the decision to experience life as an independent soul, there is a field of energy created to record every thought, word, emotion and action generated by that experience. That field of energy is the Akashic Records: Akashic, because it is composed of Akasha (Sanskrit for the energetic substance from which all life is formed) and Records, because its objective is to record all life experience.

The Akashic Records contain the past and present knowledge, experiences and expressions of the Soul’s journey from its inception forward, as well as the possibilities of its future unfoldment.

By opening the Akashic Records with a sacred prayer, you align yourself to the vibration of your own Record. The prayer works with energetic vibrations to “key in” to the specific “name” of the person, and carries with it God/Spirit/Source’s protection through the Masters and Teachers.

Akashic Records Certification Level II:

In the level 2 class you learn how to open and read the Akashic Records for others but not only other people, you will learn how to access the AR of animals, nature, sacred sites, buildings and much more. Your ability to receive more, to perceive more will be open for you because you are now not focusing in the self but in something external. This gives you an opportunity to go much deeper into the Akashic Records, opening for yourself doors and portals for you to experience a deeper connection with your own Akashic Records.

You will learn additional Grace Points to be able to share them with your clients and others to find and follow the thread of any issue that is presented to you. You will be able to experience Akashic healing, by pairing up with other students you will begin to experience how to use the Akashic Records with other healing modalities.

We will go deeper into the Art of Questioning as it is now a very important aspect so you can properly guide your clients in their healing process. This four-day class gives you the opportunity to deepen into your personal healing and add to the experience from Level 1 as you enter the sacred space of another seeker to access their Akashic Records. This experience in many cases is life transforming for the individuals receiving the information.

The Level 2 class offers you the opportunity to fine- tune your reception of information, as you not only receive information but also share it through the power of the spoken word. In working with others you will be opening to receive the information in ways that you have not experienced before. You set yourself in the mode of pure and unconditional service to others and give the information as you receive it. This is the perfect time to open to sight, sound, taste, feelings, and emotions as you share what you get, and is often a time to invite loved ones to come in and communicate unfinished business, express love, or ask for forgiveness and resolution with the person you are reading for.

You will learn the Level 2 Grace Points, how to deal with patterns of interference, how to formulate better questions, how to create Sacred space, and additional meditations to increase your own vibrational frequency.

During this class you will also be able to work with fellow consultants as you team up and practice opening the Akashic Records for each other. You will have the opportunity to have your Records read and in the process validate your own answers.

Ready to start your journey?

Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy

Disclaimer: We understand that every individual's experience is unique and results may vary depending on various factors, such as attitude, adaptability, personal history, and overall health. For your safety and well-being, we highly recommend consulting your physician before beginning any program. At Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical or psychological disorders. We urge you to seek the care of a qualified physician or psychotherapist if you suffer from any psychological or medical disorder. Thank you for choosing Claudia Rotman Hypnotherapy as your partner in your journey towards wellness.